Gram(Chickpea) Pest Management

The major insect pest that attack chickpea is cut worm early after emergence and the pod borer during pod formation and maturity period. Now how can we manage them?
      While trying to reduce the pest attack on the crops, keep one thing in mind that we don't need to erradicate it completely from the field, we just need to manage it to a certain level so that it could not harm our crop to an extent that would reflect into our economic loss. Now for the purpose of management of these insect pests, first we need to understand them.

Gram Cutworm

  The caterpillar stage of this worm causes damage to the young seedlings of the gram crop. The worms hide in the daytime under the soil or the crop debris and feed in the night.

Symptoms and Damage Caused
The stem of the young seedlings of crop are cut down about a few centimeters above ground. We can know the extent of presence of worm by stirring the soil around the infested plant upto 2.5cm depth. In case of severe infestation resowing of entire field can be required. 

Control/Management Tactics

1. Deep summer ploughing to expose the pupa of the worm to the scorching sun to kill.
2. Seed treatment can prevent economic loss at very much extent in any crop, so seed treatment with chlorpyriphos 20EC @ 1 litre for every 100kg of seeds.
3. Dusting of Quinolphos 1.5% DP @ 23.33 kg/ha in the soil before last harrowing if the field was severely attacked last year.
4. Spray trash on the field in rows or patches beneath which the worms will hide during daytime and thus can be killed by manually collecting or spraying. 
5. The larval parasitoid Cotesia vanessae can be used to release in the field if available in the market. It has only females and they lay eggs inside the body of caterpillar of the cutworm to kill it.
6. Use the control measures only if there is too much damage. Otherwise it would be the waste of money and time.
7. For spraying target only the infested area and the buffer of 30 feet wide around it and not the whole field.

Note: Cutworm is often mistaken with click beetles and flying maggots.


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