Integrated Pink Bollworm Management for cotton farmers

Dear farmers,
                          Pink Bollworm has now became a major pest for cotton crop. It feeds on cotton seeds hence causes considerable(10-30%) production loss. It occurs in mid and late stages of crop. Nowadays it is inducing early in the crop life (i.e. 45 to 60 days after sowing). Due to internal feeding behaviour it remains usually unrecognised.
To control pink bollworm
  • Do not sow cotton crop in the month of April-May as it attracts the pink bollworm at early stages of crop life
  • Destroy residual stalks and partially opened bolls
  • While sowing use 20% non bt(refuge) seeds for sowing with bt seeds if provided separately
  • Do not store infested cotton in houses/godowns
  • Sowing should be done in the month of June with early maturing Bt varieties recommended for the region
  • Install pheromone trap(5 traps per hectare) after 45 days after sowing to extract male individuals and to control moth activity
  • Inspect the crop at the stages of squaring and flowering for the presence of pink bollworm larvae in flowers
  • At boll formation stage, inspect the presence and damage caused by pink bollworm by plucking 20 green bolls from different plants randomly
  • Collect and destroy fallen squares, flowers and bolls in the field
  • One spray of Neem seed kernel extract 5%+ Neem oil 5ml/lit. May be taken upto 60 days after sowing
  • In months of October-November release parasitoid tricogramma bactrie at the rate 60000/ acre whenever available
  • Chemical control measures should be initiated as below when pest crossed ETL  (Economic Threshold Level) i.e. 10% damaged flowers (rossete flowers) or 10% damaged green bolls (at least 2 bolls out of 20 having white or pink larvae or exit holes) or 8 moths catch per pheromone trap per night for 3 consecutive days
  • Picking of clean and infested cotton should be carried out separately
  • Clean cotton should be stored or marketed and infected cotton should be destroyed
  • Install light traps and pheromone traps near storage houses or godowns
  • Destroy trapped moths during season or off season
  • Terminate crop in December to mid January
Chemical control
Month                insecticide                        dose per
                                                                         10lit water
September        Quinolphos 20% AF          20ml
                             Thiodicarb 75% WP          20g

October             Chlorpyriphos 20% EC      25ml
                            Thiodicarb 75% WP           20g

November        Fenevelerate 20% EC         10ml
                              Cypermethrin 10% EC     10ml


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