
Dear farmers,

                         Vermicomposting is a simple biotechnology process of composting, in which certain species of earthworms are used to enhance the process of waste conversion and produce a better end product. Vermicomposting is the process of recycling organic matter into nutrient rich compost using worms. It is carried out generally under aerobic condition.

Vermicompost is a stable organic manure produced as vermicast by earthworm feeding on biological waste materials. It is an efficient recycling process of animal, agricultural and industrial wastes. Vermicompost is a mixture of worm cast, humus, live earthworms and their cocoons. The major constituents are essential micro and macro nutrients enzymes vitamins antibiotics humic acid and growth hormones.

    Vermicompost is an important source of organic manure. It helps in recycling any organic waste into a useful organic fertilizer and use no chance of environmental pollution. It is an eco friendly, non toxic product consumes low energy input while processing. It reduces incidence of pests and diseases in crop production. It improves quality of agricultural produce.

Steps in vermicomposting

Mixing of waste mixture with cow dung

  • In preparation of waste mixture, animal and plant based organic wastes are mixed together.
  • Before mixing,the plant wastes generally undergoes size reduction by cutting or crushing.
  • After size reduction the plant based organic wastes are mixed with animal based organic waste like cow dung
  • The preparation of cow dung in waste mixture must be minimum 30%. Under unlimited supply of cow dung, the share may go up to 70%.

Layout of vermicompost bed

Shape: Rectangular

Length: 10-15ft

Width: 3.5-4.0ft

Depth: 1.0-1.5ft

A vermicompost bed can be made of bamboo, cement and plastic.

Loading of wastes mixture and earthworms in bed

  • The waste materials immediately after mixing or after pre-demposition, are dead in the bed in a heap with the maximum height of 1.5 feet.
  • Thereafter, a thin layer of cow dung is placed on the surface of waste materials as starter food for earthworms.
In the bed, after checking inside temperature (should not exceed 35°C) of the heaped material, the earth was are released on the bed surface (minimum of 2 kg per bed or 2000-2500 in number). However, if available if, the quantity can be increased upto 10 kg per bed.

Vermicompost accelerators

The microorganisms multiplied in the laboratory are mixed with organic wastes truly before putting in the bed some important fungal species are Paeciliomyces fusisporus, Phaenerocete crysosporium, Trichoderma viride and Bacillus polymixa.

Maintenance of moisture

Regular supply of water in the bed should be done to maintain 80% percent moisture content. Watering can be done manually or by installation of automated micro sprinkler system.
      However, the tolerance limit of temperature difference with type of earthworm species (generally 20-35°C). For stability of optimum temperature and moisture in the bed, both under extreme arid and temperate climate, the bed can be covered with an insulating materials like gunny bag, coconut coir mat etc. with moisturing at regular interval. Vermicomposting takes 2 to 3 months to complete.


The harvesting is generally done manually by using a shovel and loaded on hand trolley.

Earthworm separation

The separation of earthworm from vermicompost is generally manually or by mechanical process.

Manual process

The heap method is used for manual separation of vermicompost.
  • Vermicompost after harvest is heaped in a dome shape in open space on cement floor under bright sunlight with height a about 2 to 3 feet.
  • worms move to the lower layers as they are light sensitive, thus facilitating harvest of compost from a upper surface. This process is repeated 3-4 Times.
  • All adult worms migrate to the base of heap and can be separated.
  • This process is time consuming.

Mechanical process

  • The earthworms are separated by sieving using a wire net of 2-3 mm in size.
  • in separation process the earthworms remain above the net and the vermicompost first below on the floor and are collected.
  • The sieving unit may vary in size and its operational processes.
  • The sieving frame including stand and net can be placed on a simple platform or a spring loaded platform run by motorized shaker.
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