Pest and diseases management in brinjal

 Pests Management

 Fruit and shoot borer, jassids ,epilachna beetle and mites are the major pests.

Fruit and shoot borer(Leucinodes orbonalis)

The larvae bore into tender parts causing drooping of young shoots and rotting of fruits. Affected plant parts should be removed along with larvae and destroyed crushing or by immersing in insecticide solution.

Jassids (Empoasca spp.)

Adults and nymphs suck sap by feeding from under surface of leave resulting in typical yellowing and drying up of leaves. Jassid resistant varieties (e.g. Punjab Barsati and Pusa Kranti in India) should be used as per locality. Biologically jussids are controlled by Beauveria bassiana @ 7-10 g/lit water and spread on the foliage. Chemical control is done by thiamethoxam, Imidacloprid, diafenthiuron, acetamiprid which are effective after 7 days of application.

Epilachna beetle

Yellow coloured nymphs seen on under surface leaves feed on foliage resulting in skeletonization of leaves. Since nymph are seen in large numbers on a single leaf plucking infested leaves along with nymph is an effective way control of pest. 
               Five sprays of cipermethrin @ 30 g a.i./ha or ethofenprox @ 75 g a.i/ha at 15 days interval starting from 30 DAT is effective for control of jassid and fruit and shoot borer. Four sprays of 
carbaryl (800 g a.i/ha) at days interval starting from 30 DAT is also equally effective for controlling pest.


Red spider mites and other mites seen on under surface of leaf suck sap and cause characteristic yellowing. Spray of neem oil garlic solution in initial stage of attack is effective for control of mites. Under severe infestation spray Kelthane (0.03%) or metasystox (0.03%).

Diseases Management

Diseases like Bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, phomopsis blight, little leaf, mosaic and damping off are the major diseases in brinjal

Bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum)

Disease results in sudden wilting and drying up of plants. Plants are more affected during flowering and early fruiting stages. Grow resistant varieties like Swetha, Haritha, Arka Nidhi, Arka Neelkant, Pant Samrat, Utkal Tarini, Utkal Madhuri and F1 hybrid Neelima in wilt prone areas in tropical and subtropical areas of Asia and for other countries use suitable bacterial wilt resistant varieties developed by local agricultural authorities.

Fungal wilt

Fungi like Fusarium and Verticillium cause wilting of plants. Lower leaves turn yellow and progress slowly leading to browning and complete death of plants. Pythium and Phytophthora also cause collar rot and wilting of. plants Crop rotation burning with dry leaves prior to planting and drenching the soil with copper oxychloride are effective for control of wilt.

Phomopsis blight

This is a major disease particularly when crop is raised for seed production. Soft and water soaked brown lesions of fruits which turn black and mummified in appearance are the common symptoms. Leaves and stem may also develop dark brown spots. Seed treatment with Bavistin (l g a.i./kg) and seedling dip in Bavistin (0.05%) for 30 minutes before transplanting, followed by two sprays of Bavistin are recommended for control of disease.

Little leaf

Diseased plants produce small sized leaves and result in bushy and stunted growth and will not produce fruits.


Uproot and destroy mosaic and little leaf affected plants as soon as symptoms are noticed. Avoiding ratooning and raising seedlings in seed beds treated with Phorate (1.25 kg a.i./ha), treating seedlings with systemic insecticides for eight hours followed by application of Phorate(1.25 kg a.i./ha) at 21 DAT control both little leaf and mosaic.

Damping off

This is a major nursery disease. Affected seedlings topple over and die in patches. For reducing disease incidence sow seeds as loose/ thin as possible on raised beds. Adequate drainage are drenching nursery bed with  Bavistin(0.1 %) control disease effectively.


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