
Showing posts from August, 2020

Seed production and certification

  Seed is a fertilized, fully matured ovule consisting an embryo, endosperm and a seed coat and is usually meant for sexual reproduction.                       Every farmer have the right to get quality seeds and also certified seeds. Seed plays an important role in agriculture as every crop starts from seed and ends on seed. So, quality of seed that a farmer gets must be good enough. Good seed plays major role in enhancing quantity and quality of agricultural produce and thus improving economy of a country. Seed production                  Production of seeds follow a well-designed seed program. Purity of variety of the seed is clearly identified from its breeder seed and it is genetically pure. During seed production process, quality standards, like removal of off-types, diseased plants, weed plants and other crop plants are carried out. Seeds which have physical purity and good g...

Whitefly control

Dear farmers,                           Whitefly is a major pest these days all over the world. It causes the damage to all major crops like cotton, sugarcane etc cash crop and variety of other different crops like  beans, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, cucumber, eggplant, peppers, , tomamelon, squash, tomato and watermelon. They also infest crop  such as alfalfa. The main hazard of whitefly is that it transmitts various viruses from plant to plant while feeding. Hence it is also called as vector.                    Whitefly is a sucking type pest on the crops. It sucks the nutrients from phloem of the susceptible plant leaves occasionally leading to the curling and drying of the leaves which altimately causes death of plant. Prevention of whitefly                Though whitefly is impossible to prevent from emerging in the...

Pest and diseases management in brinjal

 Pests Management  Fruit and shoot borer, jassids ,epilachna beetle and mites are the major pests. Fruit and shoot borer(Leucinodes orbonalis) The larvae bore into tender parts causing drooping of young shoots and rotting of fruits. Affected plant parts should be removed along with larvae and destroyed crushing or by immersing in insecticide solution. Jassids (Empoasca spp.) Adults and nymphs suck sap by feeding from under surface of leave resulting in typical yellowing and drying up of leaves. Jassid resistant varieties (e.g. Punjab Barsati and Pusa Kranti in India) should be used as per locality. Biologically jussids are controlled by Beauveria bassiana @ 7-10 g/lit water and spread on the foliage. Chemical control is done by  thiamethoxam,  Imidacloprid, diafenthiuron, acetamiprid which are effective after 7 days of application. Epilachna beetle Yellow coloured nymphs seen on under surface leaves feed on foliage resulting in skeletonization of leaves. Since nymph ...

Brinjal cultivation

 Dear farmers,                            Brinjal is a vegetable crop grown all over the world. A large number of cultivars differing in size, shape and colour of fruits are grown worldwide. Immature fruits are used in curries and a variety of dishes are prepared out of brinjal. Fruits are moderate sources of vitamins and minerals like phosphorous, calcium and iron and nutritive value varies from variety to variety. Climatic requirements Brinjal is warm season day neutral plant and is susceptible to severe frost. A long and warm growing season with a temperature range of 21-27°C is ideal for its production. Crop is  adversely affected by chilling temperature of winter in temperature at freezing point. Generally late cultivars can withstand low temperature than early ones. Plants grown luxuriantly and yield heavily during rainy season under warm humid climatic conditions. Soil requirements Brinjal is a hardy ...

Tomato Cultivation

Dear farmers,                           Tomato occupies a prime position in list of protective foods since it is a rich source of minerals like calcium (48 mg / 100g), sodium (12.9 mg), trace elements, copper (0.19 mg), vitamins like vitamin A (900 IU), vitamin C (27 mg), vitamin B complex (thiamine), essential amino acids and healthy organic acids like citric, formic and acetic acids. The attractive red colour of fruit is due to lycopene and yellow colour is due to carotenes. Peculiar flavour of tomato is due to presence of ethanol, acetaldehyde and a number of volatile flavour components found in fruit. Different forms of tomatine, a steroidal glycoalkaloid, are identified from various parts of plant. Tomato is a good appetizer and its soup is a good remedy for preventing constipation. Climate Tomato is a day neutral warm season crop, which cannot tolerate frost. Cool and dry weather is preferred by the crop and opt...

Niger cultivation

Dear farmers,                         Niger (Guizotia abyssinica) is used for extraction of oil(75%). Niger oil is similar to safflower and sunflower oil in edible quality. The seed contains 35-40% oil. Oil is used for manufacturing paints and soft soaps, lighting and lubrication and for manufacturing cosmatics. It is a good substitute for sesame oil for pharmaceutical purposes. Niger plant is consumed by sheep and not by cattle. It is used for making silage. Niger cake is valuable feed for milch cattle. It is also used as manure also. Climate It is a temperate region crop and also grows in semi tropical environment. It is short day plant. It is mostly a rainfed crop. Optimum rainfall is 1000-1300 mm. Niger needs moderate temperature of 18-23°C. Above 30°C, growth and flowering are adversely affected and maturity is hastens. Below 10°C, seed emergence is restricted leading to inadequate plant stand. Soils Niger can grow on all ...

Soybean cultivation

Dear farmers,                          Soybean is cheapest, easiest and richest source of best quality proteins and fats with multipurpose uses as food and industrial product. It is therefore called as wonder crop. It is considered as highly nutritive crop containing 40% high quality protein and 20%  oil. Soybean protein is rich in amino acid and lycine (5%); which is deficient in most of the cereals. Climatic requirements for soybean cultivation Soybean is a warm season crop. Its cultivation is now extended to subtropics and temperate climates. It can grow well in areas receiving annual rainfall from 600 to 1000 mm. Soil temperature of 15.5°C or above favour rapid germination and vigorous seedling growth. The minimum temperature for effective growth is about 10°C. Lower temperature delays the flowering. Temperature of 26.5 to 30°C appears to be optimum for most of the varieties. Soybean is basically a short day ...

Pigeon pea cultivation

Dear farmers, Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) is the most important crop worldwide. It is second important pulse crop after gram. India is on the first postion in pigeon pea cultivation. Ability of red gram to produce high economic yield under soil deficit makes it an important crop in rainfed and dryland agriculture. Requirements of crop(climate & soil) Climate Pigeonpea grows mainly in tropical and subtropical climate. During vegetative growth it prefers mostly moist and warm climate. However during flowering, ripening and pod setting, cool and bright sunny days are necessary. It is raised in the area having 20-30°C temperature during Kharif and 17-22°C during winter season cloudy weather and excessive rainfall at flowering damage the crop. It is highly susceptible even to light frost. It can tolerate moisture stress to a great extent because of deep root system. It grows successfully in the area receiving rainfall only 650 mm. Soil It grows well on wide range of soils from S...