Weed management in Sugarcane

Integrated weed management in Sugarcane
Prevention of introduction of weed in the field
                 We must remember prevention is better than cure. Therefore to prevent the introduction of weeds in the farm we have to follow the following measures.
1) Use weed free crop seed.
2) Clean the machinery or implements before moving from weed infested area to clean area.
3) Use well decomposed weed free manure.(FYM or compost)
4) Remove weeds near irrigation channels, fencing, and sides of the way.
5) Prevent flowering/reproduction of weeds. (Cutting before bloom or seeds set)
6) Use screens to filter irrigation water
7) Restrict livestock movement. etc

Integrated weed management in Sugarcane
1) Follow the preventive measures for minimising introduction and further spread of weeds.
2) Destroy the perennial weeds by digging such patches of weeds, collection and destruction of underground part of the weeds or by using translocated herbicides like glyphosate @ 1 kg ai/ha.
3) Land preparation at optimum soil moisture level: After first deep ploughing exposed the field to the heat of the sun for two weeks or more period if possible for destroying perennial weeds. Carry out ploughing at optimum moisture level for avoiding formation of big clods, proper pulverisation of soil and exposing underground parts of the weeds to heat of sun. Collection of weeds and vegetative parts and their destruction is necessary.
4) Maintain optimum plant population by using good quality seed and proper method of planting.
5) Follow the rotation of crops like cotton, soybean, green gram, cow pea, sannhemp,dhaincha and groundnut.
6) Keep the water channels, bunds and surrounding area clean or free from weeds for avoiding spread of weeds in field as sugarcane remains in the field for more than one year. Adopt drip irrigation to minimise weed population.
7) Use well decomposed FYM or compost for minimising spread of weeds in the field. Band application of fertilizer in optimum quantity and at proper time for stimulating crop growth and suppressing weeds.
8) Adopt intercropping of suitable crop as pre planting season.
9) Use of herbicides and mechanical methods 
       Atrazine or simazine @ 2 to 2.5 kg ai/ha as pre-emergence spray about 3 to 4 days after planting in plant cane and after completion of basic requirements of ratoon management about 3 to 4 days after giving irrigation in ratoon crop
10) If required give one hand weeding after 30 to 40 days after planting depending upon weed intensity. Carry out light earthing up at 2 to 2.5 months and final earthing up at 4 to 4.5 months after planting for suppressing late emerging weeds. Adopt mulching of sugarcane trash in  cane/ratoon to avoid the weed growth and save the cost on use of herbicides.
11) Whenever there is intercropping of sugarcane + vegetables like cabbage, potato, oil seeds, okra or pulse crops use Fluchloralin (Basalin) @ 1 to 1.5 kg ai/ha as pre-emergence spray. Give one weeding if required after one month and carry out final earthing up after harvest of intercrops.


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