Weed Management for Groundnut and soyabean

Dear farmers,
                          Weeds are unwanted and most irritating plants in the farm. The compete with the main crop hence lead to the loss in yield production. Furthermore weeds increase the cost of cultivation, reduce the quality of product, provide shelter to the insect pests, damage irrigation systems and causes wear and tear of farm implements. So their integrated control must be done to avoid all these hazards.

Prevention of introduction of weed in the field
                 We must remember prevention is better than cure. Therefore to prevent the introduction of weeds in the farm we have to follow the following measures.
1) Use weed free crop seed.
2) Clean the machinery or implements before moving from weed infested area to clean area.
3) Use well decomposed weed free manure.(FYM or compost)
4) Remove weeds near irrigation channels, fencing, and sides of the way.
5) Prevent flowering/reproduction of weeds. (Cutting before bloom or seeds set)
6) Use screens to filter irrigation water
7) Restrict livestock movement. etc

Integrated weed management in Groundnut and Soyabean
1) Follow the preventive measures for minimising introduction and further spreading of weeds.
2) Maintain proper crop rotation for minimising population and growth of crop associated with.
3) Use proper land preparation strategy. Deep ploughing, harrowing and collection of weeds for destroying weeds. Give light harrowing before sowing for destroying newly germinated weeds
4) Use good quality seeds and carry out showing at optimum time, at proper moisture level in the soil, by using optimum seed rate, spacing and plant protection measures for maintaining optimum plant population of crop.
5) Chemical and mechanical methods: Fluchloralin(Basalin) @ 0.5 to 1 kg ai/ha (ai=active ingredients) as pre-plant soil incorporation(PPI). There should be sufficient soil moisture in the soil at time of application for minimising loss of Fluchloralin due to volatilazation.

Alachlor(Lasso) @ 1.5 to 2 kg ai/ha as pre-emergence spray immediately after sowing.

Pendimethalin @ 1 kg ai/ha as pre-emergence spray immediately after sowing. Chemical methods supplemented with one weeding if required and hoeing after about 30 to 40 days after sowing depending upon weed intensity is effective for control of weeds.


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