Disease management in chilli
Dear Farmers, chilli is major crop all over the world. It occurs in variety of different types of climatic conditions across the world. There are some threats (diseases) on chilli production causing damage to the crop or sometimes death. Fungal diseases of chilli and it's management 1) Die Back or anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum capsici Symptoms 1) Flowers dropped and dried up. 2) Drying up starts from flower stock to the steam and subsequently causes dieback of branches and stem. 3) There is profuse shedding of flowers. 4) Fungus necrosis of tender twigs from the tip backwards. 5) Partially affected plant bear fruits which are few and of low quality. It also causes fruit rot disease in chillies. Disease Management 1) Use of disease free seeds is important in preventing the disease. 2) Seed treatment with Thiram or Captan 4g/kg is found to be effective in eliminating the seed borne inoculum. 3) Chilli cultivar BG-1 and perennial are found to be resistant against the...